Resource Hub

  • Dust Collectors in Abrasive Blast Rooms

    Without proper dust control, blasting operations can quickly become hazardous and inefficient. That’s where a dust collector becomes a critical component of any abrasive blast room.  Throughout this blog we’ll explore further the value a dust collector has for your abrasive blast room, and how to select the most suitable dust collector.

  • Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant Program

    Queensland-based manufacturing small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) are now eligible for a cash grant from the Queensland Government for up 75% or $5...
  • Electrostatic Sprayers

    If you're in the protective coating or manufacturing industry, you’ve likely heard of Electrostatic Paint Sprayers. These innovative devices have r...
  • Booth Maintenance

    If you're in the automotive or manufacturing industry, chances are you rely on a spray booth to achieve high-quality finishes on your products. The...
  • Container Blast Rooms

    In today's industrial landscape; efficiency, safety, and environmental responsibility are paramount. Among the many innovative solutions that have ...