There is a complete range of Probes that fit the Elcometer separate gauge. Scale 1 probes are the most common in the coatings industry and have a range of 0-1500µm (0-60mils). There are 8 different Scale 1 probes available in various types (Ferrous, Non-ferrous and Dual).
To select the correct probe:
Step 1 – Gauge Type
- What is the substrate you are likely to measure? i.e.:
- Carbon Steel – Ferrous
- Stainless Steel/Aluminium – Non-Ferrous
- Various – Dual FNF
- Is your gauge Ferrous, Non-Ferrous or Dual?
Step 2 – Configuration
- What shape, angle or length do you want?
- Most commonly used is the straight probe in Dual FNF fitted to a Dual FNF Gauge. But if you have specific needs the other options are here.
If just want the standard most common setup please check out our Elcometer 456 Packages.
Don’t see what you want? Please contact us for assistance.