DNA Epoxy Primer Kit Grey

DNA Epoxy Primer Kit Grey

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Epoxy Primer is a high solid, zinc chromate free, 2K anti corrosion primer suitable for all kinds of finishes. Designed for use on most substrates such as ferrous and non ferrous metals, aluminium, fibreglass and many other surfaces. Epoxy Primer accepts all top coats, may be used wet on wet and dries to a satin matte finish. Epoxy Primer possesses very good corrosion and chemical resistance with excellent adhesion on properly prepared metal substrates with one to two coats all that is required for this versatile easy to use primer. Always check that you have and read the latest TDS before use.

Mixing Ratio 3:1 with up to 40% reducer

Kits include:

2L Kit
1x Epoxy Primer (1L)
1x EP Hardener (500ml)
1x EP Reducer (500ml)

5L Kit 
1x Epoxy Primer (3L)
1x EP Hardener (1L)
2x EP Reducer (500ml)


Technical Data Sheet


Supplier part no: 

  • GEPK-2 (2L kit)
  • GEPK-5 (5L kit)


Please note this product is classified as DANGEROUS GOODS and may incur an additional fee from the courier.